New Bewerley Community School



Ofsted describes History as “vital to a rich and broad primary education,” helping pupils understand both the past and present, while appreciating the complexity and diversity of human societies and their development.

At New Bewerley Community School, our goal is to inspire a deep curiosity about history in our pupils. Through engaging teaching, we aim to help children understand the complexity of people's lives, the diversity of societies, and the relationships between different groups, as well as their own sense of identity.

Our History Curriculum is rooted in celebrating the rich history of both our school and the local community. We provide children with opportunities to explore and interpret the past, understand chronology, and gain an overview of Britain’s history alongside that of the wider world. Pupils are encouraged to ask thoughtful questions, think critically, evaluate evidence, consider differing perspectives, and develop their own judgements and understanding.

Through the use of our Golden Threads, which are seamlessly integrated throughout each subject area, the children will learn to become Historians by developing their knowledge progressively across every year group, ensuring that students gain a clear understanding of the positive impact they can have in shaping the world around them.

By adopting aspects of the Leeds Curriculum, our curriculum allows the children to explore key themes that are relevant to our community, both in the past and in the present.

Please click the History icon below to see our Long-Term Plan for History 

History Long Term Plan

To further enrich our curriculum, we incorporate trips, guest speakers, real-life experiences, and outdoor learning opportunities whenever possible. Community involvement is a cornerstone of our approach, and we make

every effort to invite families and visitors to engage in our learning journey.

Click here to see our Educational Visits Long Term Plan


History in EYFS

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), History is introduced through the Understanding the World area of Development Matters. Children engage with history by exploring well-planned learning areas, participating in active learning, and developing critical thinking and creativity.

In EYFS, children:

  • Explore connections between their own family and others’ families.
  • Begin to understand their personal life story and family history.
  • Recognise and name familiar people in their lives.
  • Reflect on images of familiar past events.
  • Compare and contrast characters from stories, including historical figures.

These activities provide a strong foundation that prepares children to engage with the National Curriculum from Year 1 onwards.


Use of the National Curriculum

History teaching should empower students to ask insightful questions, think critically, evaluate evidence, assess arguments, and form well-rounded perspectives and judgements. 

We aim to achieve this through the teaching of specific Key Skills. These are listed below:

  • Chronological Understanding
  • Range and Depth of Knowledge
  • Interpreting History (including cause, consequence, change, significance, and comparisons)
  • History Enquiry
  • Organisation and Communication

Please click to see our History Progression in Skills 2024 - 2025


At New Bewerley Community School, we use knowledge organisers in History to help pupils build a clear and structured understanding of key historical concepts and content.

By using knowledge organisers, pupils are able to make connections between different historical events, understand key concepts in greater depth, and develop the skills to recall and apply their knowledge more effectively. 


Examples of Knowledge Organisers

Y2 KO The Space Race

Y4 KO Windrush

Y6 KO Slave Trade



We focus on key skills such as questioning and investigating sources, which not only support children in their ongoing historical learning as they progress into Year 7 but also equip them with transferable skills that can be applied across other areas of their lives. British Values are embedded within our curriculum, helping to foster the development of important skills and attributes that empower children to become responsible, respectful, and active citizens.

History assessment is a continuous process throughout each topic, helping teachers to plan lessons and tailor activities to meet students' needs. Prior learning is revisited at the beginning of each lesson through memory recall questions and the use of knowledge organisers. Summative assessments are carried out at the end of each topic and teachers assess the children to ensure they gave a secure understanding of each topic's MUST KNOW Knowledge.


Please see examples of MUST KNOW Knowledge below:

Y2 The Space Race MUST KNOW Knowledge

Y4 Windrush MUST KNOW Knowledge

Y6 Slave Trade MUST KNOW Knowledge


Throughout the year, the leadership team conducts book looks and gathers pupil feedback to monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning across the school.