SEND Provision
At New Bewerley Community School and Resource Provision, we are committed to being fully inclusive, ensuring that all members of our school are treated fairly and equally.
Our policy for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion demonstrates our commitment to and belief in the fundamental principles outlined in the Equality Act 2014, Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND code of practice 0-25 years.
Our inclusive approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, SEND, shows our commitment to each child being happy, healthy and fulfilling their true potential in school. By working in partnership with children, families and partner agencies, we ensure that all children receive the support they need to access all aspects of school life.
We welcome families to visit our Mainstream and Resource Provision facilities in school. Our staff are highly trained in a range of needs including Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC), Physical and Medical needs and Trauma Informed Practice.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child and would like to speak with our SEND and Inclusion Team then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Cat Barnes on in school.
Who are Leeds SENDIASS? (Special Educational Needs Disabilities Information Advice Support Service)
Leeds SENDIASS offer confidential, impartial Information Advice and Support (IAS) via a dedicated website and provide email and telephone consultation via an adviceline, delivered by a team of professionals trained in SEND law. Resources include information videos, guides and factsheets. They deliver information through events and information sessions and provide training to parents, carers and professionals.
SENDIASS is a dedicated, statutory service for children and young people 0-25 and their parents and carers. SENDIASS is an arm’s length service delivering the local authority duty to provide free, confidential, impartial IAS on educational law on SEN and the related law on disability, health and social care, the statutory processes for SEND and information about education policy, local practice and procedure.
SENDIAS has recently produced a short service video outlining who Leeds SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service) are, what they do and how they deliver the service. Please use the link to the video if you would like to learn more about the service.
SENDIASS can be contacted in the following ways
Advice line: 0113 3785020
Leeds SENDIASS Website:
Whole School SEN Support
- Educational Psychologist (EP)
- Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team (SENIT)
- Visually Impaired Service (VI Team),
- Specialist Training in Autism and raising Standards (STARS)
- Deaf and Hearing Impairment Team (DAHIT)
- NHS Speech and Language Therapy (SALT),
- Occupational and Physiotherapy Services etc.
- Virtual School (Looked After Children)
- School Nursing Service
Mainstream SEN Support
Please click the icon for more information of the support provided
Colourful Semantics
The Hornet Specialist Literacy Programme
1:1 Support with SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health) Needs
Cluster Support – Art Therapist / Play Therapy /BARCA Leeds - Counselling Support
Visual supports in all classrooms
Rainbow Room Support
Please click the icon for more information of the support provided
Intensive Interaction sessions
Zones of Regulation Curriculum
1:1 /Small group teaching space
Use of PECS and Widgit symbols as a form of communication
SEND Documentation
What are Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs)
Leeds Local Authority Offer Details
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)